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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


ARC Journal of Psychiatry
Volume-2 Issue-2, 2017, Page No: 15-17

LSD, Caffeine, and Cholera; Possible Causes of Schizophrenia

Paul T E Cusack*

BScE, DULE, 1641 Sandy Point Rd, Saint John, NB. E2K 5E8, Canada.

Citation : Paul T E Cusack, LSD, Caffeine, and Cholera; Possible Causes of Schizophrenia ARC Journal of Psychiatry. 2017;2(2):15-17.

Copyright :© 2017 Authors. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Sz hospitalization is on the rise for young men. There is a link between caffeine and calcium absorption. Calcium is necessary for a healthy nervous system. In this brief paper, I show that the cause of Sz increase among young men may be because of the dramatic increase of caffeine intake (Coffee) among that group. In addition, use of hallucinogens (LSD) among young men may be the sole explanation for the rise in Sz among that group. We also examine the connection between cholera and Schizophrenia. In this paper, we suggest possible causes of Sz that may warrant closer examination by reseachers.

Keywords: Sz, Caffeine, LSD, Calcium, Ferric Chloride Disease, Cholera, Adenine.


In this brief communication, I provide an explanation for the rise of Sz hospitalizations among young men (20-29). First, I consider a previous paper that examined the environmental reasons for the cause of Sz, namely hyper-ferric chloride. In another paper, I examined the possible cause of Sz resulting from a vitamin D deficiency and associated calcium deficiency, necessary for a normal nervous system functioning. Finally, I consider the implications from LSD use. In fact, mathematically, this could provide the sole reason for Sz in in hospitalization rates increase of 28% among young men.

2. Hyper Ferric-Chloride Disease and Sz

Consider the result form the paper by the author for the Ferric Chloride Disease.

Vitamin D is necessary to avoid depression. Tryptophan combined with cofactor iron breaks down leaving the brain short of serotonin.

Calcium in milk is taken up in CaCl which was need for nervous system, development. Same with K Potassium.

Vitamin C causes Iron not to be absorbed. It stays in the blood. Too High Iron levels are bad for the nervous system.

This all causes a deformed nervous system. Out ward signs are red hair (or blonde) , large head,blue eyes, large genitals, hyper and hypo thyroidism, high blood pressure, color blindness, obnoxious aggressive personality. Results Nervous disorders including Sz, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, Infertility,Mental Retardation, Depression, etc [1].

3. Hyper Caffeine And SZ

I considered that, with the marked increase in caffeine (coffee) consumption in Canada, for example, perhaps there is a link between Sz and caffeine. There may well be.

We know that calcium is necessary for normal nervous system functioning. Vitamin D ha be cited as a possible cause for Sz. Caffeine affects the calcium uptake in the body.

Note: Another impact of caffeine that is particularly important for adolescents is its relationship to bone health. It has been reported that individuals who consume a high amount of caffeine may have bones with less density, ultimately leading to weaker bones. This happens because caffeinated beverages may interfere with your body’s ability to absorb calcium.

Caffeine may well have a negative impact on the nervous system functioning, but there is a more prevalent cause that explains the whole increase seen in hospitalizations form Sz in young men, namely, LSD.

Between 1987 and 1999, hospitalizations for schizophrenia increased slightly among women (3%), but they increased dramatically among men (28%) (Figure3-3). [3].

Such psychedelics are more commonly consigned to the freewheeling 1960s, when they gained notoriety as part of the counter-cultural movement. But interest in LSD and other hallucinogenics has grown in recent years, particularly among 20- to 29-year-olds.

4. Hallucinogen LSD and SZ

Young men born in the late 1960’s - the Generation “X”- could have been exposed to LSD as kids. In addition, that age group-20-29 is taking hallucinogen is on the increase.

As explained in a previous paper, we see from Sz and It’s Cause, (Ob. Cit.), that LSD can theoretically lead to Sz symptoms and Psychosis. Lets’s look at some calculations and chemistry.

5. LSD and SZ

The NaOH in those living in a marine environment reacts with the H on the 8 position forming NaCl and HOH. The HCL and Iron in the blood strip the NH2 off of the DNA molecule. This is why LSD induces Sz.

NaOH + LSD + FeCl → NaCl +H2O

Fe + HCl → strips NH2 off benzene ring on A-C-T-G.

Fe is a reducer of Nitro group with HCl. So are Sn and Zn.

Sz is simple. In an island environment, you have a salty mist. The salt produces HCl. The high iron in diet and water produce Fe. Fe reduces the nitro group on the DNA. That is why there is high NH2 in Sz blood. The Iron replaces the NH2 on the DNA [1].

6. Calculations

The rate of Sz in the general population is 1.1%. The percentage of people in the general population who take LSD is 33.3%. So, LSD /Sz= 33.3%/1.1%=27.3 ~28% =Rise in Hospitalization of Young Men with Sz. (The other 0.7% may be explained by the natural rate of mental illness in the general population due to other causes 90/ 30000=0.3% + Surviving Parent exposed to Cholera=1103/ (1103-5000)/30,000=12.99/ 1000=1.3%) [3]

The combination of Sz and LSD could be the sole reason for the marked increase in hospitalization for Sz. Those in the age group of 20-29, would have been born in the late 1960’s and were adolescents in the 1970’s when LSD was prevalent. I suggest that this is the likely cause for the rate of increase in Sz among young men.

7. Cholera and Schizophrenia

Further to this author’s work Schizophrenia [4,5], I hereby provide the possible chemical reaction that shows that Adenine is disrupted by watery diarrhea from the infectious disease of Cholera. It would appear that cholera does damage to that DNA molecule, which leads to a genetic cause for Schizophrenia. Here is the reraction


C39H53N9014S(Adenine) + Fe +++ (Hyperferremic) + 27 OH - (alcoholism) + 3HCl (acne) + 40 O2 (Marine Envt) → 9 NH3 (Odorous Urine) + 39 CO2 (mosquito attraction) + SO2 + FeCl3 (Ferric Chloride disease) + 27 HOH (Choleric Diarrhea) +H2.


Note that all these components are discussed in paper number 4 above. This, then, is the link between cholera and schizophrenia at least and possible other mental illness.

10. Conclusion

Ferric Chloride Disease, Hyper Caffeine intake, and LSD were considered to explain the marked increase in Sz among young men from 1987-1999. The most probable cause is use LSD among this group, the results of which we are seeing now. Schizophrenia appears to be linked to cholera which affects Adenine. Further studies on this theory are warranted. In addition, further to previous papers on possible causes of Sz, we provide the chemical calculations indicating that cholera may be the culprit leading to Sz.


  1. Cusack, P., “Sz and its cause, Ferric Chloride (Cusack’s) Disease”, Mental Health, Family Medicine, Jan 2017.
  2. Report on Mental illness in Canada, Chapter 3 Schizophrenia. Public Health Agency of Canada.
  3. Cusack, P. Mental illness and Cholera.,anticipated Mental Health, Family Medicine.Jan 2017.
  4. Cusack, P., Possible Cause of Schizophrenia: Ferric-Chloride Disease, (submitted)
  5. Cusack, P. Cholera, Iron, and Mental illness in Nineteenth Century Saint John, NB, J. of Biometrics and Biostatistics, OMICS, 2017.