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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature
Volume 7, Issue 4, 2019, Page No: 17-28

Ideologies Reflected in the Selected Speeches of Ho Chi Minh

NguyenThiHong Minh, Ph.D*, Maria Luisa A. Valdez, Ph.D

Thai Nguyen University of Education Batangas State University ARASOF Nasugbu Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Republic of the Philippines.

Citation : NguyenThiHong Minh, Maria Luisa A. Valdez, Ideologies Reflected in the Selected Speeches of Ho Chi Minh International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature 2019;7(4):17-28.


The present stage of human social development and organization is grounded on communication. Although communication is ruled by broadcast and print media as well as online and mobile technologies, the speeches remain a fundamental medium of political communication worldwide.Oftentimes, the speeches and the speakers' style can delineate an entire situation in such a memorable and operative way that it contributes to historical transformation.Thus, this qualitative study analyzed the political ideologies reflected in the selected speeches of Ho Chi Minh and their implication to the thinking of Vietnamese youth. Findings of the analysis revealed that Ho Chi Minh's selected speeches vividly exhibited the aspects of his political ideologies as expressed in his ideological strategy on continuous proletarian revolution specifically on national liberation manifested through independence and unity; on national independence and unity expressed through democracy, freedom,welfare and happiness; and on socialism as one of his ideologies' major creative points. Moreover, the manifestations of the themes of patriotism, humanism, inner peace and moral philosophy are also evident in the literary works. With regard to the implications of his ideologies to the thinking of the Vietnamese youth, Ho Chi Minh's ideologies serve as the lighting torch leading the youth towards positive thinking, good virtues and practical actions contributory to the building and defense of their country.

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