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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature
Volume 7, Issue 3, 2019, Page No: 26-29

Multiculturalism in Indian English Literature

V. Beulah Rani*

Lecturer in English, Hindu College, Guntur.

Citation : V. Beulah Rani, Multiculturalism in Indian English Literature International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature 2019, 7(3) : 26-29.


India has several sophisticated literary languages. The languages have long standing literary traditions. English is assumed as the main literary language as it has been given the status of "official language" by Indian Constitution. Multiculturalism in Indian literature is different from other post-colonial literatures in English. The main objective of this paper is to probe the role of Multiculturalism in Indian English Literature.

An Indian is inevitably bicultural and lives within a bilingual and multilingual cultural idiom. He is born with a skill to switch his cultural-code according to the needs of his social situation. He even lives within an organic and native social context. The traditional terms used in Indian languages that institutionalised these diverse pulls were "Marga" and "Desi".

In India it is not possible to have a truly autonomous Indian English style. Metophorically speaking the body of modern Indian culture is draped in ancient shoes, a medieval gown and a modern hat. Multiculturalism should bring a new strength to a literature.

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