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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature
Volume 7, Issue 3, 2019, Page No: 10-16

The Impact of Feminism on Sujatha Bhatt's Poetry

Ch. Aruna*

Lecturer in English, Hindu College, Guntur.

Citation : Ch. Aruna, The Impact of Feminism on Sujatha Bhatt's Poetry International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature 2019, 7(3) : 10-16.


The very emergence of women writing in English was of great significance, for their works; Scanty in output as they were, who wrote before and after them. The battle for emancipation was taken over by few educated women themselves who in their effort to communicate to the world their own bitter experiences as women as well as their ideas of social reform turned writers. Women writers struggled to give form and shape to their autobiographical accounts, which attracted publishers both in India and abroad.

Many women fail to understand the real spirit of feminism. The movement of feminism has many facets. It doesn't mean getting of equal rights which men & women for the recognition of their creative talent. In fact, it is more than that knowing the reality, feminism is not definitely some kind of chauvinistic or aggressive way of living, dressed up like man. A definition like feminism is therefore, a mode of existence in which the woman is free of the dependence syndrome."

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