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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature
Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019, Page No: 10-14

The Inescapable Association between Nature and Bengali Nationalism in Jibanananda Das's Ruposhi Bangla

Nahid Afroz1, Sheikh Shareeful Islam2*

1.Assistant Professor, English Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna-9208, Bangladesh
2.Lecturer, Department of English, Northern University of Business and Tech

Citation : Nahid Afroz, Sheikh Shareeful Islam, The Inescapable Association between Nature and Bengali Nationalism in Jibanananda Das's Ruposhi Bangla International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature 2019, 7(2) : 10-14


Jibanananda Das, in his poetry, exhibits a deep-rooted passion for Bengal. His volume Ruposhi Bangla is a manifestation of his powerful feeling for the nation. To him, perhaps, the most attractive thing is the imagery of Bengal's nature. However, in spite of receiving multidimensional criticism on different aspects i.e., adoration for natural beauty, Das's poetry receives critique on nature and nationalism only inadequately. There exists, therefore, the question-whether Das's poetry show any association between the nature and nationalism of Bengal. This paper attempts to delve into this matter by re-visiting his poetry. Our findings would proffer, initially, that there should be no confusion about the type of nationalism, as for Das's poetry. Additionally, we would argue that Bengali nationalism is expressed well through his extreme feeling for Bengal's nature. We have focused particularly on the poetry of Ruposhi Bangla in this study.

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