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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature
Volume 6, Issue 9, 2018, Page No: 43-57

A Comprehensive Study on Sinhala and English Verbs


Sri Lanka Institute of Advanced Technological Education (SLIATE), Srilanka.

Citation : A.B.I.K.Premasiri, A Comprehensive Study on Sinhala and English Verbs International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature 2018, 6(9) : 43-57


This study examines the similar and dissimilar aspects of Sinhala and English verbs. Sinhala is a diglossic language: having a separate written and spoken variety. In the study spoken or the colloquial Sinhala language has been used to make the comparison of the verbs of the two languages. In English much difference between the spoken and the written variety cannot be seen.

The research was carried out with the idea in mind that there should be some similarities of these two languages since both the two languages belong to the same language family: Indo- European. When started to research on the two languages it was found that studying about a language is a vast area of study. So, the area was narrowed down to the verbs of the Sinhala and English language.

Verbs of the two languages have been compared with the main focus on their voice, tense, aspect and mood. The data and findings under these four categories have been presented and analyzed. An introduction on various other types of verbal categories of the two languages has been presented for the reader to be aware of the basics of the verbs of Sinhala and English language.

At the end of the study it was found out that more than similar aspects of the verbs of the two languages there are more dissimilar aspects which are still helpful for the learners to have a deep insight into these languages.

A study of this kind on verbs is helpful for Sinhala learners whose second language is English as well as for Students learning Sinhala as a first or second language. It would be a guide for the teachers and for researchers who are interested in this field of study.

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