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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature
Volume 6, Issue 9, 2018, Page No: 1-7

Preserving Traditional Food from West Java: An Effort to Maintain National and Regional Food Security

Rosaria Mita Amalia1*, Davidescu Christiana Victoria Marta2

Department of Linguistics/Faculty of Cultural Sciences/Universitas Padjadjaran, Jl. Raya Bandung-Sumedang Km. 21 West-Java, Indonesia

Citation : Rosaria Mita Amalia, Davidescu Christiana Victoria Marta, Preserving Traditional Food from West Java: An Effort to Maintain National and Regional Food Security International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature 2018, 6(9) : 1-7


Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in the world with a total of 17,054 islands. Each island has different customs, values and habits. As one of the elements of culture, Indonesian culinary is also a pride cultural element.From 17,054 islands that make up the Indonesian archipelago, there is the island of Java which is known for its unique history and its beauty. It is named West Java.In Indonesia, there are many kinds of traditional food. West Java culinary can be used as one form of strength of the Indonesian nation. West Java local culinary topics became the topics raised because local gastronomy of West Java which is the heritage of ancestors is an asset of the nation that must continue to be preserved and introduced furthermore. Traditional Sundanese cuisine has to defend itself from the fast food strikes that now dominate Indonesian culinary, as well as the flow of globalization that removes the borders of the country due to the sophistication of technology and information.

Food security is a flexible concept as reflected in the many attempts at definition in research and policy usage. The writers adopt the definition of food security from The State of Food Insecurity 2001 ( which states "Food security [is] a situation that exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life". The research applies descriptive-qualitative research method and focuses on typical food of West Java as object of the research. The writers regard preserving kinds of traditional food in West Java is one of attempt to maintain not only national but also regional food security. Because in traditional food, we can find local wisdom and culinary philosophy which are the element of cultural identity of the nation.

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