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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature
Volume 6, Issue 5, 2018, Page No: 63-72

A Simulation-Based Model for Teaching Business English: An Application in the Tourism and Hospitality Industries

Dr.Andrew Szanajda1*, Dr.Fang-Chun Ou1

1.Overseas Chinese University, Taiwan.

Citation : Dr.Andrew Szanajda,Dr.Fang-Chun Ou, A Simulation-Based Model for Teaching Business English: An Application in the Tourism and Hospitality Industries International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature 2018, 6(5) : 63-72


The purpose of this work is to present a simulation-based, authentic activity in the field of business English, as the dual goals of teaching business skills along with English communication protocols and language abilities are vital for real world success in a future workplace. This work will examine the existing literature that highlights the importance of communication in business operations, and thereby demonstrate the importance of learning through applying realistic simulations. There are various uses and applications in the classroom in a wide variety of contexts. Business-related concerns specific to the industries of tourism and hospitality are going to be examined in order to provide a sense of an appropriate scope for a practical simulation project that features authentic assessment that are to be consistent with effective education practices, as well as common practices in the hospitality industry in particular. The simulation outlined in this work can thus prepare students to function in business environments, whether at home or abroad in any language.

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