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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature
Volume 6, Issue 5, 2018, Page No: 46-62

A Critical Reading of A. J. Arberry's Translation (*) of the Meanings of the Holy Quran (Koran Translated)

Ahmed Gumaa Siddeik

Former Head of English Department, AL-Zeem Al-Azhri University-Sudan, P.O.Box 18 - Dawadami, Shaqra University - KSA 11911, Saudi Arabia

Citation : Ahmed Gumaa Siddeik, A Critical Reading of A. J. Arberry's Translation (*) of the Meanings of the Holy Quran (Koran Translated) International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature 2018, 6(5) : 46-62


This is a translation of a paper originally written in Arabic about the well known translation of the Holy Quran by A. J. Arberry, who gave it the title of (Koran Translated). The author, Dr. Haithm Saab, a language professor, showed great interest in Arberry's work as he believed that it was and still is one of the best translation made by a non-Muslim scholar in English, of the Holy Quran. The paper covered many aspects of the translation and came out with valuable recommendations. My translation to this paper is to complete the role of the original author's work, to address another group of audience in their own English language. The author was able to clarify some linguistic and technical points about Arberry's translation; and he made corrections of some errors which were/are-intentionally or unintentionally made by the translator. The author handled the topic with professional skills to explain where Arberry erred and he made suggestions that can add great value to A.J.Arberry's original translation (Koran Translated) which was published by Oxford University Press in 1964.

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