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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature
Volume 6, Issue 5, 2018, Page No: 26-30

Task-Based Language Teaching and Implementing Consciousness-Raising Tasks

Maryam Abdollahzadeh

Ph.D. Candidate in TEFL, Islamic Azad University of Maibod, Iran.

Citation : Maryam Abdollahzadeh, Task-Based Language Teaching and Implementing Consciousness-Raising Tasks International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature 2018, 6(5) : 26-30


Communicative Language Teaching emphasizes developing learners' communicative ability. One of the subdivisions of this approach is Task-Based Language Teaching which refers to the use of tasks as the main unit of instruction in language teaching. Task-Based Language Teaching aims at considering the specific needs of particular learners. Consciousness-raising tasks also could be an alternative to traditional grammar teaching in which memorization of specific rules and rule articulation through decontextualized instruction was practiced. By using carefully designed activities and tasks, learners develop explicit knowledge of grammatical aspects which can facilitate the implicit knowledge and the ability to successfully and effectively communicate. Language teachers can use consciousness-raising tasks for pedagogical purposes in their classes whenever they suppose it can be of more privilege. In the present study, Task-Based Language Teaching and implementing consciousness-raising tacks are going to be critically reviewed.

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