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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature
Volume 6, Issue 5, 2018, Page No: 19-25

Metathesis in Arabic: A Comparative Study

Raid Mohammad Saleh Khassawneh1*, Islam Mousa Al-Momani2, Nibal Abdelkarim Malkawi3

1,2. Al- Balqa Applied University/ Princess Alia University College.
3.Al-Balqa Applied University-Al-Salt College.

Citation : Raid Mohammad Saleh Khassawneh,Islam Mousa Al-Momani,Nibal Abdelkarim Malkawi, Metathesis in Arabic: A Comparative Study International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature 2018, 6(5) : 19-25


The researchers have carried out an analysis of metathesis in Arabic, English and other languages in order to explore whether it is caused by slips of tongue, the absence of mind during the process of speech production, or as a phonological phenomenon that results from pure sound change connected with the realm of morphology. This paper claims in general that metathesis is a phonological phenomenon of all languages including Arabic in both the colloquial and the standard forms. It also aims at giving a comprehensive and descriptive presentation of the distribution of metathesis in Arabic.

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