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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature
Volume 6, Issue 4, 2018, Page No: 54-71

Raising Advanced Students' Awareness of Word-Collocations in English: The Yemeni Context

Dr.Nemah Abdullah AyashEzzi

Department of English, Faculty of Education Hodeidah University, Yemen.

Citation : Dr.Nemah Abdullah AyashEzzi, Raising Advanced Students' Awareness of Word-Collocations in English: The Yemeni Context International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature 2018, 6(4) : 54-71


This study raises the awareness of the importance of English word-collocations and examines the productive knowledge of word-collocations among advanced students of English in the Faculty of Education at Hodeidah University. Also, it investigates the relationship between the toppers' level of English and their use of English word-collocations. Students' productive collocational knowledge is measured by a 20-item multiple-choice test of common word-collocations that are often used. The participants are 35 postgraduate English students (viz. second-year students undergoing a Master degree course in English) and 120 fourthyear students (undergoing a four-year B.Ed course in English).Results showed that students obviously have difficulties with word-collocations, both lexical and grammatical ones, and that there is a kind of inverse relationship between the toppers' achievement and their use of common word-collocations. It finally recommends remedial procedures for the improvement and development of the students' collocational knowledge.

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