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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature
Volume 6, Issue 10, 2018, Page No: 20-31

Seating Arrangements as a Means for Improving Interactions in EFL Beginner Classes: The Case of Some Secondary Schools in Littoral Region

Pedro Marius Egounleti, Ulrich O. Sena Hindeme, Innocent C. Datondji

Universite d'Abomey - Calavi, Benin.

Citation : Pedro Marius Egounleti, Ulrich O. Sena Hindeme, Innocent C. Datondji, Seating Arrangements as a Means for Improving Interactions in EFL Beginner Classes: The Case of Some Secondary Schools in Littoral Region International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature 2018, 6(10) : 20-31


With the implementation of the learner-centered curriculum and its related tasks in Beninese secondary schools since 2000, a large majority of EFL teachers are often confronted with the problem of determining the seating arrangement which garbs their teaching and learning objectives. This research work is to determine which arrangements of desks best facilitate and boosts interaction between EFL learners in Beninese secondary schools. Data was gathered through a two-part questionnaire distributed to 100 EFL teachers selected randomly in some secondary schools in Littoral region. The results collected indicate that Beninese EFL teachers resort to different seating arrangements during their classes and the choice of a seating arrangement affects interaction between and among EFL beginners in various ways. Seating arrangements, as important classroom setting events, have the potential to help prevent behavior problems that decrease student's attention and diminish available instructional time. Evidence supports the idea that students display higher levels of appropriate behavior during individual tasks when they are seated in rows, ith disruptive students benefiting the most. As a result, EFL teachers should let the nature of the task dictate seating arrangements.

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