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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature
Volume 5, Issue 9, 2017, Page No: 27-37

The Implementation of Computer-Assisted Language Learning in EFL Classroom: Arab EFL Learner's Attitudes and Perceptions

Zahraa Mukhlif Hammad1,Supyan Hussin2

Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universiti Kebangsaan, Malaysia, Bangi, Malaysia

Citation :Zahraa Mukhlif Hammad,Supyan Hussin, The Implementation of Computer-Assisted Language Learning in EFL Classroom: Arab EFL Learner's Attitudes and Perceptions International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature 2017,5(9) : 27-37


The purpose of this study are to identify the Arab EFL students' feedback on using the I-CARe program in terms of its helpfulness in enhancing their reading comprehension and identify the challenges that students might have faced while engaging in I-CARe program. The I-CARe program is designed as a learning package for Arab beginner students in Malaysia. To achieve the goals of the paper, the researcher used mixed method approach represented by questionnaire and interview. The questionnaire divided into two sections, the first section targeted the students attitude towards I-CAR included five items while the second section aimed to get students' evolution of I-CARe which consists of nine items. The questionnaire was distributed to a sample of six male and female EFL students. After the students have completed the eight - weeks training period, they have shown very positive towards I-CARe program. The findings revealed that I-CARe is feasible and convenient experience. Moreover, this study leads to the findings that the design of the I-CARe program provided students with helpful material, instructions and tutorial which will be valuable to spread into the university and schools education system. The researcher recommends that use computer and online reading should be taught to EFL students to be confident readers.

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