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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature
Volume 5, Issue 8, 2017, Page No: 4-20

English Collocations in the Tunisian EFL Context

Hussien Almaktary

Higher Institute of Applied Languages and Computer Sciences, Beja, Tunisia

Citation :Hussien Almaktary, English Collocations in the Tunisian EFL Context International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature 2017,5(8) : 4-20


This study examines English collocations in the Tunisian EFL context. It delves into four areas of investigation: (a) familiarity with English expressions (idioms, phrasal verbs, and collocations) with more focus on the latter, (b) awareness of phraseology, (c) deviations of usage, and (d) correlation between collocation competence and the learners' performance in spoken and written skills. The investigation was conducted at the university level recruiting a sample of 84 EFL learners enrolled in the Department of English at the Higher Institute of Applied Languages and Computer Sciences in Beja. Three (quantitative and qualitative) instruments were used to collect data: a collocation test, a focus-group discussion, and document analysis. The findings showed that the informants' ability in using collocations was generally inadequate. The sources of violations of collocational linguistic behavior varied. The findings also revealed a positive correlation between collocational competence and oral and written skills of the participants. The study closes on a note of recommendation and call for further research.

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