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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature
Volume 5, Issue 6, 2017, Page No: 31-37

The Enlightenment of Cognitive Style Differences between Field Dependent and Field Independent Mode on College English Teaching

Xiaoli Wang

Department of Foreign Languages, China West Normal University, China

Copyright :Xiaoli Wang, The Enlightenment of Cognitive Style Differences between Field Dependent and Field Independent Mode on College English Teaching International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature


Among all cognitive styles, it is field-dependence and field-independence that are the most widely studied and most representative cognitive styles in recent years. To some extent, it is the core of cognitive style. Because it has the longest research history, studied most widely and formed relatively mature measuring methods. College English proficiency will pave the way for graduates in today's increasingly fierce competitive environment. So it is necessary for teachers to pay more attention to college English teaching. Besides, the FD/FI cognitive styles can have a great impact on the memories, thoughts, studies and communications of the students,which contacts closely with college English learning and teaching. They hence deserve further research. Accordingly, the objectives of this paper are to analyze field-dependent and field-independent English learners and their different features in college English listening, grammar, reading, and to point out that, for college English teaching, if the teachers can understand students' differences on cognitive style and use corresponding teaching strategies to lead their cognitive style, the effect of college English teaching will be greatly improved.

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