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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature
Volume 5, Issue 6, 2017, Page No: 26-30

Frailty Thy Name is Woman - in Bharathi Mukherjee's Wife

Dr.R.Anne Margaret

Senior Lecturer in English (Asso Professor in English) ABM Degree College, Ongole, Prakasam DT, A.P. INDIA

Copyright :Dr.R.Anne Margaret, Frailty Thy Name is Woman - in Bharathi Mukherjee's Wife International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature


Post-colonial women writers writing within the margins of indigenous culture and feminism, therefore have an even more acute problem, since they have to confront the twin issues of legitimacy of feminine discourse in a patriarchal society and the nebulous cultural and social "space". They occupy in their efforts to situate their texts within the context of feminism. Mukherjee reiterates the marginalization of woman by exploring and exploding ways in which culture and ideology construct feminine identity. Dimple's mistaking the social circle of Indians for "cultural experience" prevents her from experiencing life on the outside that would shape her view of American Society. However, Dimple's analysis of her earliest encounter with American Society is from the perspective of her own cultural moorings.

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