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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature
Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Page No: 54-57

Thomas Dekkar's the Shoe-Maker's Holiday-A Reflection of Middle-Class Life

V. Beulah Rani,Ch. Aruna

1.Lecturer in English, Hindu College, Guntur

Copyright :V. Beulah Rani,Ch. Aruna, Thomas Dekkar's the Shoe-Maker's Holiday-A Reflection of Middle-Class Life International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature


Thomas Dekkar was a professional Elizabethan playwright. He understands the middle-class life with its ups and downs, aspirations and its compromises. The shoe makers's Holiday is his supreme contribution to this class of literature, and of its type it remains an unique example.
The play consists of two stories, the romantic story with the characters from high class like Row land, Lacy and the story that concerns its ordinary citizens. The shoe makers, like Eyre, Thodge etc. The two stories are closely interwoven in the structure of the play.

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