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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature
Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Page No: 26-32

Aspects of Nature in Nissim Ezekiel's Poetry: an Exploration of Indian Cultural Ethos

Dr. Sandeep K. Thorat

Assistant Professor of English & Head, S. S. S. K. R. Innani College, Karanja Lad, Dist. Washim,India.

Citation :Dr. Sandeep K. Thorat,Aspects of Nature in Nissim Ezekiel's Poetry: an Exploration of Indian Cultural Ethos International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature 2017,5(12) : 26-32.


In this paper, an attempt is made to focus an aspect of naturein Ezekiel's poetry. His poetry is marked with romantic mood and a realistic portrayal of Indian milieu. His poetry explores the sensitive themes like superstitions, man-woman relationship, husband-wife relationship, marriages, ethos of Indian woman, ethos of urban life, love and sex etc. Besides, Ezekiel's love for nature in his poetry tries to touch Indian cultural ethos. In short, an aspect of nature is mirrored in his poetry having the shades of cultural ethos. Ezekiel seems to be the critic of Indian society as he has a deep sense of social conscience and nature. Ezekiel is called the poet of typical Indian environment. He is an Indian poet having fresh, modern and original approach to nature. Nature is necessary for fruitful living and the elements of nature are symbolic of ethical values in his poetry. The aspects of nature likestorm, thundering, lightning, ghost, some birds like owl, bats are treated as symbols of blind beliefs in his poetry

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