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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature
Volume 5, Issue 10, 2017, Page No: 68-73

Call and Vocabulary Acquisition (Theoretical Perspective)

ManalAwad Mohammed Elwakeil

Sudan University of Science and Technology, Graduate College, College of Languages

Citation :ManalAwad Mohammed Elwakeil, Call and Vocabulary Acquisition (Theoretical Perspective) International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature 2017,5(10) : 68-73


Computers are not only for saving data and playing games. Computers have proven to have a more crucial role in society as they play as a mean for learning. Recent technological advancements have created the possibility of new ways of teaching and learning. The passive teacher-centered learning approach has now shifted its focus towards encouraging students to actively participate in their learning process. Crystal (1997) explained that in the past, foreign language teaching depended on teaching techniques and teaching efficiency as teaching was active while learning was passive, while the active role is played by the learner. Recently, developing a high learning efficiency using technology has been of main interest for many learning institutions. Nevertheless, taking full advantage of this potential requires considering the teaching/learning procedure in new ways as well as to master the technology itself. Today computers play a crucial role where they function as 'an added tool or resource, as a model or a real-world phenomenon or system, and as a training environment to prepare users for real-world tasks and experiences' (Pennington 1996: 11).

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