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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences
Volume 5, Issue 5, 2019, Page No: 15-26

Effect of Fertilizers Application through Fertigation System on Chili Cultivation on Tin Mined Land in Bangka Island

IGM. Subiksa1*, M. Oka Adnyana2, Umi Haryati1, Husnain1

1. Indonesian Soil Research Institute.
2Center for Food Crop Research and Development.

Citation : IGM. Subiksa, M. Oka Adnyana, Umi Haryati, Husnain, Effect of Fertilizers Application through Fertigation System on Chili Cultivation on Tin Mined Land in Bangka Island International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences 2019, 5(5) : 15-26.


Tin mined land characterized by sandy texture, high hydraulic conductivity, low nutrient holding capacity and low nutrient status. Therefore, fertilizer use efficiency maybe very low and most of nutrient applied will be lost through leaching. Some efforts to increase nutrients availability and fertilizers use efficiency should be done so that crop productivity can beeconomically increased. Research on effect of fertilizers application through fertigation system on chili cultivation was carried out on tin mined land in Bukit Kijang Village Bangka Island. The objectives of research were: (1) to examine effect of fertilization through irrigation network to thegrowth and yield of chili; and (2) to improve the efficiency use of fertilizers application for chili cultivation on tin mined land. Research is carried out in a factorial randomized block design with 4 replications, where the 1st factor is kind of ameliorant namely: manure and mixture of manure and bio-char. Meanwhile the 2nd factor is the application methods and type of fertilizer namely side-band compound NPK 16-16-16 (F0), fertigation with commercial AB-mix fertilizer (F1) and fertigation with AARD's AB-mix fertilizer (F2). Research resultsrevealed thatsandy tailinghas 84% sand fraction, low CEC and low nutrient status. Soil bulk density (BD) values ranged from 1.32 to 1.47 g cm-3 and total pores space (TPS) varies from 44.7 - 48.4% v/v, wheremostly dominated by fast drainage pores (FDP) ranges from 22.3 to 30.1 % v/v. The application of manure+biochar ameliorant showed better plant growth compared to just manure ameliorant. It was alsoshowed by two parameters observed namely: plant height and stem diameter. The mixture of manure+biochar was also affected thetotal number of harvested chili fruit and total chili yield from 16 consecutive harvests. It was due tobio-char has higher pH compare to manure. Type of fertilizers and application methods have significantly affectedthegrowth and yield of chili on tin mined land. With conventional fertilization using NPK 16-16-16, total chili yield from 16 consecutive harvests is about 2,527 kg/ha. The commercial AB-mix increased fresh chili yield atabout 115% compared to conventional NPK treatment orbecome 5,436 kg/ha. Meanwhile, the AARD developed AB-mix also increased fresh chili yield about twice (100%) compared to conventional NPK orbecome 5,067 kg/ha. There is no significant different between commercial AB-mix and AARD developed AB-mix, but chili yield of commercial AB-mix little bit higher than AARD AB-mix. It revealed that the effectiveness of both AB-mix fertilizers formula is almost same.

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