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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences
Volume 4, Issue 8, 2018, Page No: 43-48

Verification and Demonstration of Low-Cost and Appropriate Micro-Irrigation System for Crop Production under Small Holder Farmers Condition in Raya Valley, Northern Ethiopia

Yemane Mebrahtu1, Habtamu Tamiru1

1.Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR), Mehoni Agricultural Research Centre, Ethiopia.

Citation : Yemane Mebrahtu, Habtamu Tamiru, Verification and Demonstration of Low-Cost and Appropriate Micro-Irrigation System for Crop Production under Small Holder Farmers Condition in Raya Valley, Northern Ethiopia International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences 2018, 4(8) : 43-48


Irrigated agriculture plays a major role in food security, producing nearly 40 percent (%) of food and agricultural commodities. It uses more than 80% of the water withdrawn from the earth's rivers. This increased pressure to water as a valuable resource in agricultural food production which remains finite due to the competition of current and future events namely; rapid increase in world population, climatic change, agricultural and industrial sector activities. In order to conserve and able to produce food continuously; an efficient water use and crop yield improving agricultural practices need to be adapted and implemented. Demonstration of low-cost and appropriate micro-irrigation system had been designed and carried out under soil and agro climatic condition of Raya valley at mehoni agricultural research center, on station for two non consecutive years to evaluate the feasibility of drip irrigation and to efficiently utilize the scarce water resources and maximize crop yield. Full drip irrigation kits with its all accessories have been installed on 500m2 plot of land for marcofana pepper variety and all agronomic and water management was undertaken as recommended. The result 180,800.1 EB ha-1 revenue with net benefit of 23,650.1EB ha-1 from green pepper was earned and WUE of pepper also obtained high result. Model farmers had been participated in the demonstration that they had shown their interest with the technology. So, for justification it needs to be undertaken at farmer's level.

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