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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences
Volume 4, Issue 7, 2018, Page No: 26-30

Participatory Evaluation and Demonstration of Bread Wheat (Triticumaestivum L) Varieties at Dugda and Lume Districts, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia

Tesfaye Gemechu, Fiseha Tadese

Adami Tulu Agricultural Research Center, Ethiopia.

Citation : Tesfaye Gemechu, Fiseha Tadese, Participatory Evaluation and Demonstration of Bread Wheat (Triticumaestivum L) Varieties at Dugda and Lume Districts, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences 2018, 4(7) : 26-30.


The activity was conducted in the rainy season 2017 at Dugda and Lume districts, of East shoa zone, Oromia, Ethiopia. Two improved bread wheat varieties (Ogolcho and Kingbird) were demonstrated as a follow up of participatory variety selection activity. The objectives were to demonstrate and evaluate the performance of improved bread wheat varieties along with their management practices under farmers' circumstances and to raise farmers' knowledge and skill on bread wheat production and management practices. Sites were selected in collaboration with respective district agricultural offices based on potential of the area for bread wheat production. Trainings were given for farmers, Development Agents and experts and other stakeholders. The Participating farmers were also capacitated through follow up exchange visits and field days. Recommended seed and fertilizer rate were used for the demonstration trial establishment. According to the results, a mean yield of 38.61 ± 2.82qt/ha and 39.24 ± 1.54qt/was harvested from ogolcho and kingbird varieties respectively. The two varieties showed no statistically significant yield difference at p < 0.05 in their yield and showed better yield performance when compared to the farmers' variety. Furthermore,the financial analysis result show that an average return of 21542.3and 21998.2 Ethiopian birr per hectare can be gained from Ogolcho and Kingbird varieties respectively in one production season in the study areas.

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