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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences
Volume 4, Issue 2, 2018, Page No: 1-11

Economic Importance and Management of Ginger Bacterial Wilt Caused by Ralstonia Solanacearum

Zenebe Wubshet

Department of Horticulture and Plan Science, College of Agriculture, Jimma University, Ethiopia.

Citation : Z. Wubshet,"Economic Importance and Management of Ginger Bacterial Wilt Caused by Ralstonia Solanacearum ", International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences, 2018, 4(2) : 1-11.


Ginger is a lender herbaceous perennial herb belonging to Zingiberaceae family and propagated by rhizomes. It originated in India and currently cultivated in different countries worldwide. In Ethiopia, cultivation of ginger started during 13th c when Arabs introduced it from India to East Africa. Like most cultivated crops, ginger is affected by biotic and abiotic factors in different parts of the world. Bacterial wilt (Ralstoniasolanacearum) is one of the most commonly known to cause disease in May crops including ginger. The pathogen enters to the roots through wounds made by transplanting, cultivation, insects or certain nematodes and through natural wounds where secondary roots emerge. Once inside the host, the bacterium has an affinity for the vascular system, where it multiplies rapidly, filling the xylem with bacterial cells and slime. After the infection is established, it moves up through the vascular system and blocks water transportation in the xylem and causes wilting. Bacterial wilt disease caused by R. Solanacearum widely distributed mainly in tropical, subtropical and temperate regions of the world and results severe yield losses. For instance, bacterial wilt affected 95% of tobacco farm field in some counties of South Carolina and resulting in estimated total losses of $40 million in both North and South Carolina. The race 4 ginger strains affected nearly all ornamental ginger species. Symptoms of the plant due to the disease ranged from flagging or wilting to plant death. Hence, knowing these features of the disease is quite useful to analyze the conditions that determine disease development and plan sound disease management strategy. Up to now, there is no single control effective measure against the pathogen. However, some level of bacterial wilt control has been possible through the use of a combination of diverse methods. Currently, no resistance genotype was found especially in Ethiopia and the nature of the bacteria is difficult to control by chemical means an integrated management program requires. Hence, an urgent needs also required on establishing diseases free ginger seed rhizome production scheme both tissue culture and greenhouse culture.

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