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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences
Volume 4, Issue 10, 2018, Page No: 17-26

Strategies to Promote Snail Production among Rural Women in Osun State, Nigeria

Adedayo A.G

Department of Forestry and Wood Technology, Federal University of Technology, Ondo State, Nigeria.

Citation : Adedayo A.G, Strategies to Promote Snail Production among Rural Women in Osun State, Nigeria International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences 2018, 4(10) : 17-26


Poverty among rural women in Nigeria is high and wide spread. However, the production of snails is perceived to have a high potential in reducing poverty among rural women in Nigeria. This paper therefore takes a look at the socio-economic impact of snails on the livelihood of rural women in Osun state, Nigeria and most importantly on the problems faced by rural women in the exploitation of snails. This is with a view to fashioning out strategies that can help to promote snail production among rural women so as to reduce poverty among them. Eight LGAs out of 30 LGAs in Osun State, Nigeria were randomly selected. Two villages were randomly selected in each of the selected LGAs. Structured questionnaires were administered on 13 purposively selected women that traded in snails in each sampled villages. The study showed that rural women are faced with the problems of attack from animals or insects, too much stress in collecting snails and high temperature. The exploitation of snails can be improved by promoting snail farming among rural women, encouraging more research into snail farming and encouraging rural women to form cooperative society.

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