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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences
Volume 4, Issue 10, 2018, Page No: 7-16

Review on Effect of Weed on Coffee Quality Yield and its Control Measures in Southwestern Ethiopia

Habtamu Deribe

College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Jimma University, Ethiopia.

Citation : Habtamu Deribe, Review on Effect of Weed on Coffee Quality Yield and its Control Measures in Southwestern Ethiopia International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences 2018, 4(10) : 7-16


Coffee (genus Coffea) is widespread throughout the tropics with more than 70 species. It could be a very good vehicle for addressing some cultural practices which reduces the quality of coffee.Among the major factors limiting increased Coffee production worldwide are losses due to pests (insects disease, nematodes and weeds), both indigenous and exotic. Losses due to Coffee pests are estimated to be 13% worldwide. The crop is produced and exported by more than 60 countries and ranks as one of the top cash crops in the developing world. Arabica coffee is preferred over all other species because of its superior quality and it would certainly have continued to be the exclusive producer of all coffee in the world. They tolerate shade and share quite similar growth requirements with forest trees, thus predisposing them to agro forestry ecosystems. Soils should be permeable, have a good effective depth, and be well-drained and wellaerated. Weeds compete with coffee for moisture and plant nutrients, while some perennial grasses and sedges produce root exudates that are toxic to coffee. Effects of weeds on coffee include water stress during dry spells, deficiencies of essential elements, reduction in yield and quality.

Finally the most commonly practiced weed control methods include manual, mechanical cultivation and use of herbicides or integrated weed management (IWM). Future research should therefore; focus on creating awareness among extension workers and farmers about weed management in coffee plant.

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