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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences
Volume 4, Issue 1, 2018, Page No: 25-28

Larval Feeding and Ovipositional Preference of Sesamia Cretica Led. On Certain Corn Hybrids

Ahmed.M.A.Salman1,Abd El-Aleem S.S.Desoky2,Saadia A.Abd-El-Samea3,Mohamed A.M.Youssef4

1.Plant Protection Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Sohag University.
2.Field Crop Pests Department, Plant Protection Institute, Agriculture Research Center.

Citation : Ahmed.M.A.Salman,, Larval Feeding and Ovipositional Preference of Sesamia Cretica Led. On Certain Corn Hybrids International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences 2018, 4(1) : 25-28


The attractiveness of certain maize hybrids to Sesamia cretica larvae and the ovipositional preference of S. cretica adult to these hybrids were evaluated. S.C. Hi-Tech 2031 was the most attractive hybrid to S. cretica larvae. However, S.C. 131 hybrid was the least attractive hybrid to S. cretica larvae. The number of eggs deposited on each of the five corn hybrids in free choice test indicated a strong ovipositional preference for S.C. Watania-6 and S.C. 131 hybrids. However, S.C. Hi-Tech 2031 and S.C. 132 hybrids harbored the least numbers of eggs.

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