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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences
Volume 3, Issue 9, 2017, Page No: 7-13

Review on Participatory Plant Breeding

Wakuma Merga

Jimma University, College of Agriculture and Veterinery Medicine, Department of Horticulture and Plant science, Post graduate Student, Jimma , Ethiopia

Citation :Wakuma Merga, Review on Participatory Plant Breeding International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences 2017,3(9) : 7-13


Participatory plant breeding (PPB) is the development of a plant breeding program in collaboration between breeders, farmers, marketers, processors, consumers, and policy makers. It allow farmers to take part in the development of new varieties or populations, more suitable to marginal environments and to organic farming agronomic practices. It is based on the idea that farmers as well as professional plant breeders have important knowledge and skills that could complement one another. Plant breeders can direct their research according to the needs of the specific groups of farmers (women, men, rich and poor). Farmers participation to evaluate varieties in mother trials is most preferred at the maturity period of the crops but in Baby Trials Farmer managed, farmer inputs, farmer supervised Only perception data taken . In PPB model, generation of genetic variability is often, but not necessarily always, the responsibility of the research institution. The stapes of PPB are: Identify Target Environments And Target Users, Choice of The Target Environment And Users , Choice of Genetic Material, Choice of Parental Material , Choice of Breeding Method, Naming of Varieties And Sharing and Disseminating Findings. The Possible Outcomes of PPB are: Production gains, Biodiversity enhancement and Cost-efficiencies and effectiveness. PPB have the following Advantage Over Conventional Plant Breeding Methods: At least one parent in any cross is well adapted to the local environment, Genotypes x environment interactions are used positively because breeding is done in the target environment and The impact of genotype x year interaction is probably reduced because local parental materials have adapted to local year-to-year variations.

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