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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences
Volume-3 Issue-4, 2017, Page No: 22-25

A Study on Water Quality Assessment of Özen Spring near Suşehri in Sivas, Turkey

Seher Dirican

Cumhuriyet University, Suşehri Timur Karabal Vocational Training School, Department of Fisheries, TR-58600 Suşehri, Sivas, Turkey.

Citation : Seher Dirican., A Study on Water Quality Assessment of Özen Spring near Suşehri in Sivas, Turkey. International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences . 2017;3(4):22-25.


This study describes the water quality assessment of Özen Spring in the Central Anatolia of Turkey. The mean values of overall water quality parameters results have been observed as pH (7.48), conductivity (114.7 μS/cm), turbidity (6.56 NTU), dissolved oxygen (9.15 mg/L), oxygen saturation (95.31 %), biochemical oxygen demand (1.60 mg/L), nitrate (2.93 mg/L), nitrite (0.03 mg/L), orto-phosphate (0.14 mg/L), sulfate (3.35 mg/L) and chloride (8.31 mg/L) in Özen Spring. The obtained results were compared in terms of national limit values and international and standart values.

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