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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences
Volume-2 Issue-3, 2016, Page No: 1-7

Evaluation of Improved Tomato Varieties (Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill.) Performance against Major Insect Pests Under Open Field and Glasshouse Conditions

Tadele Shiberu

Department of Plant Sciences, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences, Ambo University, Ethiopia

Citation : Tadele Shiberu, Evaluation of Improved Tomato Varieties (Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill.) Performance against Major Insect Pests Under Open Field and Glasshouse Conditions International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences . 2016;2(3):1-7.


This study was conducted under both open field and glasshouse conditions at Ambo University during the main cropping season of 2013-2014 using six different improved tomato varieties ‘Miya’, ‘Chali’, ‘Fetan’, ‘Melka-selsha’, ‘Melka shola’, ‘Cochoro’ and ‘Local round’ which were evaluated for their general performance,and resistance to insect pests The Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) was adopted with three replications. The result of the study revealed significant (P<0.001) differences for all parameters measured.. The maximum number of primary branches per plant was recorded in the varieties, ‘Chali’ (5.67), Miya’ (5.33), and ‘Melka shola’ (5.0) and the minimum number of primary branches per plant was recorded in variety, ‘Fetan’ (3.73). The maximum number of fruits per plant was recorded in ‘Melka shola’ (75.33) followed by ‘Melka-Selsa’ (64.33), while ‘Fetan’ and ‘Mira-1’variety hadthe minimum fruit numbers of (15.0and 15.67), respectively. The maximum marketable and non-marketable fruit yield per plant was observed in ‘Chali’ (2.0 kg/plant) and the minimum was in ‘Melka selsa’ (0.9 kg/plant) under open field. But in glasshouse, the maximum marketable yield (2.06 kg/plant) and the minimum (0.31kg/plant) was recorded in ‘Melka shola’ and ‘Chali’. Regarding insect pests and diseases, the varieties were significantly (P<0.001) different. The highest insect damage by fruit borer was in ‘Miya’ (4.33% / plant) and the minimum was observed in ‘Melka shola’ (1.67% / plant) under open field but in glass house condition, the maximum and the minimum was scored in ‘Melka selsa’(4.67% / plant) and in ‘Fetan’(1.0% / plant). Considering the total fruit yield, the maximum yield was recorded in ‘Chali’ (3.24 kg/plant) and the minimum was in ‘Fetan’ (1.13% / plant) under open field but in glasshouse condition, the maximum fruit yield was recorded in ‘Melka shola’ (4.04 kg/plant) and the minimum in ’Cochoro’ (1.61 kg / plant). This study was concluded that the tomato varieties, ‘Melka shola’ and ‘Fetan’ showed relatively good and poor performance in all parameters, respectively. Growing conditions within a glasshouse could be significantly different from growing conditions in open field production

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