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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences
Volume-1 Issue-6, 2015, Page No: 14-22

Prevalence of Bacterial Wilt of Ginger (Z.Officinale) Caused by Ralstonia Solansearum (Smith) in Ethiopia

Habetewold kifelew1, Bekelle Kassa2, Kasahun Sadessa3, Tariku Hunduma3

1.Tepi National Spice Research Center, Tepi, SNNPRS, Ethiopia
2.Holetta Agricultural Research Center
3.Ambo Plant Protection Research Center

Citation : Habetewold kifelew, Bekelle Kassa, Kasahun Sadessa, Tariku Hunduma, Prevalence of Bacterial Wilt of Ginger (Z.Officinale) Caused by Ralstonia Solansearum (Smith) in Ethiopia International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences . 2015;1(6):14-22.


Ginger is one of the most important spices, largely for small scale farmer in Ethiopia. In many production areas of Ethiopia up to 85% of the farmers and 35% of the total arable land were allotted for ginger production. However, this potential spices crop wiped out by a sudden outbreak of bacterial wilt epidemics in 2011 and 2012. A survey was conducted on the status of ginger bacterial wilt incidence in major growing areas of Ethiopia and laboratory work was done to identify the causal agent of ginger wilt. The diseases were found distributed in all ginger growing areas and the loss were estimated up to 100%. During 2012 survey season the wilt incidence percentage was recorded maximum (93.5) in Sheka zone followed by Benchmaji zone (91.6) and Majang zone (65.7) while the lowest wilt incidence was recorded in gamogofa zone (10.7). During 2014 survey season wilt incidence percentage was recorded maximum (98.9) in Benchmaji zone followed by Majang zone (98.8) and Sheka zone (97.4) while the lowest wilt incidence was recorded in Keffa zone (78.4). The syptomology and pathogenicity test confirmed the bacteria were R. solanacearum causing bacterial wilt of ginger. All groups of R. solanacearum isolates were found virulent producing pink or light red color or characteristic red center and whitish margin on TZC medium after 24 hours of incubation. Since no resistance genotype was found in the country and the nature of the bacteria is difficult to control by chemical means, an integrated management program needs to be started.

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