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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Sociology and Anthropology
Volume 3, Issue 4, 2017, Page No: 43-53

Analysing Economic Policies Related to Effects of Immigrant Labour with Case Studies

Prof.Abdol Aziz Shahraki

Professor.Abdol Aziz Shahraki, Zahedan city, Iran.

Citation : Prof.Abdol Aziz Shahraki, Analysing Economic Policies Related to Effects of Immigrant Labour with Case Studies International Journal of Research in Sociology and Anthropology 2017,3(4) : 43-53


When the discussions concerning the migrants are severe in host countries, this paper investigates the profitability or disadvantage of the migrant labour in the regional economies considering the recent structural socioeconomic changes. It studies theories related to the role of migrant labour in the regional micro and macro economies and uses classic methods such as a benchmarking method, an applied mathematical modelling and a case study strategy. Immigrants have entered Iran uncontrolled and populous, particularly when the red army occupied Afghanistan. The presence of the immigrants has had significant effects on the Iranian micro and macro economies. In recent years, the immigration has been banned in the Sistan Baluchistan province, which caused a lower development rate. The mathematical economic model of this paper provides the analysis taking into account some economic indicators. The analysis illustrates differences among three alternatives, namely; with immigrants, without immigrants, and a classic successful economy. The results suggest the use of migrant labour to balance and stable the market and to increase production and wealth.

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