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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Mining Science
Volume 2, Issue 2, 2016, Page No: 13-19

Experimental Investigation of Using Nano Fluid to Improve Productivity Index on Enhancing Oil Recovery

Majid Sajjadian1, Valiahmad Sajjadian1, Ali Akbar Daya2

1.Department of chemistry engineering, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University Marvdasht, Iran.
2.Department of Mining Engineering, University of Sistan and Baluchestan.

Citation : Majid Sajjadian, Valiahmad Sajjadian, Ali Akbar Daya, Experimental Investigation of Using Nano Fluid to Improve Productivity Index on Enhancing Oil Recovery International Journal of Mining Science 2016, 2(2) : 13-19


As many oil fields go into their final stage of production, novel technologies are necessary in order to maintain the production and increase the recovery of hydrocarbons. Therefore, advanced technology like Nanotechnology should be coming to overcome the problem of low recovery from reservoirs. Nano fluids were injected as a tertiary recovery method following a secondary water flooding. The experiments were performed at ambient conditions. Interfacial tensions and contact angles were measured in order to help explain the underlying mechanisms behind the increased recovery.

In this research paper, the effect of silica nano and carbon nano particles on the wettability alteration in one of the Iran Sand Stone reservoir is mentioned. The results obtained from experiments show that these nano particles are suitable enhanced oil recovery (E.O.R) agents in water wet sand stone formations. Silica nano and carbon nano particles demonstrated same results in the wettability alteration of core plug. It was observed that the oil recovery increased by 5% when 0.05 wt. % Sio2 nano fluid was injected into the core sample in a tertiary mode.

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