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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Mining Science
Volume 1, Issue 1, 2015, Page No: 1-9

Technical and Economic Aspects of the Sleipner System in Real Use

Philipp HARTLIEB1, Erik Horst Carl ERKENS2

1.Chair of Mining Engineering and Mineral Economics, Montanuniversitaet Leoben, Austria; corresponding author
2.Heidelberg Cement Group

Citation : Philipp HARTLIEB, Erik Horst Carl ERKENS, Technical and Economic Aspects of the Sleipner System in Real Use International Journal of Mining Science 2015, 1(1) : 1-9


The Sleipner system is composed of a pair of wheels for hydraulic excavators. It is used in combination with a dump truck and allows for quick relocation of the excavator in one mine or between different mine sites of one company. Customers are offered a broad range of benefits starting from quicker transition times to increased availability and reduced down-time and maintenance costs. We show that the benefits are largely depending on the way of application and geometry of the specific mine site where the system is in use. In extreme cases an increase of availability of 79 %, significant reductions of fuel consumption and increased maintenance intervals (factor 1.5) of the undercarriage and the chain of the hydraulic excavator are reported.

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