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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 6, Issue 9, 2018, Page No: 44-53

Changes in the Korean Government's HR System and in the Education of Government Officials

In Pyo-Hwang

Professor at the National Human Resources Development (NHI) under the Ministry of Personnel Management, Korea

Citation : In Pyo-Hwang, Changes in the Korean Government's HR System and in the Education of Government Officials International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2018 , 6(9) : 44-53


The Korean civil service in terms of human resource strategy are being currently incapable of continuing success in a rapidly changing environment.

As such, this paper addresses the process of establishing the system dynamic approach for consistent HRD management with some theoretical background. To do this, the development situation of public service system in Korea and new national civil service education system are discussed.

Based on that, major directions for civil service education programs in the future are shown as; Enhancing education on public service values, restructuring training system at central government, with specific strategic approach of the e-learning system.

Lastly, some implication thru conclusion and implementations are given.

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