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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 6, Issue 9, 2018, Page No: 1-14

Analysis of Hax Delta Strategic Positioning Model on Performance of Mobile Telecommunication Companies in Kenya

Njenga Gitahi Samson1*, Daniel M. Wanyoike2, Joel Kibiwott Koima1

1.Kabarak University, School of Business and Economics, Nakuru, Kenya.
2.Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology, School of Entrepreneurship, Procurement and Management.

Citation : Njenga Gitahi Samson, Daniel M. Wanyoike, Joel Kibiwott Koima, Analysis of Hax Delta Strategic Positioning Model on Performance of Mobile Telecommunication Companies in Kenya International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2018 , 6(9) : 1-14


The aim of this study was to analyze the influences between Strategic Positioning and subsequent Performance in the mobile telecommunication industry in Kenya. Specifically, the study sought to determine the influences of Best Product Strategies, Total Customer Solution Strategies, System Lock-In Strategies on performance and examine the moderating effect of the competition regulation in the mobile telecommunication industry in Kenya. The study was premised on Hax Delta Model as it was appropriate for studying firms' competitive behavior in complex and uncertain market environment. The study applied a combination of explanatory design, descriptive survey research design and cross sectional design. The research adopted proportionate stratified random sampling technique and convergent parallel mixed methods design. The target population consisted of 4 mobile telecommunication firms. Descriptive statistics were used to summarize data while inferential statistics, Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple linear regression were used to test the relationship between the independent and dependent variable. Looking at the overall industry, the multiple linear regressions explained 26% of the independent variables on the variability of the dependent variable. The interaction of the moderating effect accounted for significantly less variance than just regulation and performance by R2 change .003, p = .455, indicating there was no significant moderation effect between independent and dependent variable. Correlation findings further suggested there was a positive and significant relationship between Best Product Strategy (β= .477, p< 0.05), Total Customer Solution (β= .407, p< 0.05), Systems Lock-in (β=.286, p < 0.05) leading to the rejection of the null hypothesis while competition regulation (β= -.036, p< 0.455) was not significant.

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