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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 6, Issue 8, 2018, Page No: 42-50

Influence of Market Day Activity on Entrepreneurship Values to Early Age Children

Leonita Siwiyanti*, Indra Zultiar, Asep M. Ramdan

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi, Indonesia.

Citation : Leonita Siwiyanti*, Indra Zultiar, Asep M. Ramdan, Influence of Market Day Activity on Entrepreneurship Values to Early Age Children International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2018 , 6(8) : 42-50.


Market day activity is one of enterpreneur learning activity, where the main aim of this activity is to train and introduce the way of marketing while the target is their close friends, parents, teachers and others. Generally, this activity takes form as bazaar or the market that attempted by school in the end of their learning terms and ussually at AisyiyahBustanulAthfal 1 kindergarten, Sukabumi is attemped in the end of semester to show their main event of the activity them for the whole 6 months, Every class will show their frutation of hard work and will be offered to sell and served in nice packaging and promoted on their own beatutifully decorated stunts.

This research main purpose is to know the possitive integration between market day acctivity and enterpreneurship values at every early age children in AisyiyahBustanulAthfal 1 kindergarten, Sukabumi and to know how big the influence is.

Based on this research the researcher got R result as 0,850 point, which means the correlation between variables of market day activity on the introduction of the values of enterpreneurship as 0,850 point. That matter shows us there is a strong influence between the activity of market day and the introduction of enterpreneurship value, because the point almost reaching 1 point. Meanwhile on R2 got 0,722 point which means the influenced percentage of market day activity on the introduction of enterprenurship values as 72,2 and the rest of 27,8% that influenced by another variables that not included in the components. With 72,2%as percentage the influence of application of enterprenurship values on early age children is surprisingly significant.

F count value = 31,234 with significants as 0,000 with using of significants limit as 0,0005, so significants 0,000 < 0,05 H0 Rejected and Ha accepted.

Thus, the hypothesis which explain that variables of market day activities have a great influence on the introduction of enterpreneurship values on early age children of AisyiyahBustanulAthfal 1 kindergarten, Sukabumi can be accepted.

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