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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 6, Issue 6, 2018, Page No: 22-35

Industrial Harmony and Employee Performance in Food and Beverage Firms in Anambra State of Nigeria

Dr. Chinedu Uzochukwu Onyeizugbe1, Dr. Vincent Aghara2, Dr. Enaini Stella Olohi3, Abaniwu Perpetual Chidiogo1

1. Department of Business Administration, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria.
2. Department of Marketing, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria.
3. Department of Business Administration, Auchi Polytechnic, Auchi, Edo State, Nigeria.

Citation : Chinedu Uzochukwu Onyeizugbe, Industrial Harmony and Employee Performance in Food and Beverage Firms in Anambra State of Nigeria International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2018 , 6(6) : 22-35.


The non-existence of a pure state of industrial harmony, management practice of exclusionism, and derogation of organizational communication pattern among food and beverage firms in Anambra state have led to grievance between employees and management which has eroded the set objectives of these firms. This study seeks to determine the extent of relationship that exists between industrial harmony and employee performance in selected Food and Beverage Firms in Anambra state while specifically the study seeks to ascertain the extent of relationship that exists between joint consultation and employee engagement in selected Food and Beverage Firms in Anambra State, and to determine the extent of relationship that exists between industrial democracy and employee loyalty in selected Food and Beverage Firms in Anambra State. The study employed correlation survey research design. The population of the study was 390 employees of five selected Food and Beverage Firms in Anambra State, Pearson product moment correlation was used to analyze the data collected. The findings revealed that there is a very strong significant positive relationship between joint consultation and employee engagement, and there is a very strong positive relationship between industrial democracy and employee performance. The study concluded that industrial harmony plays a crucial role in determining employee performance in selected Food and Beverage Firms in Anambra State and recommended that management of the focused firms should give room for unions in the organizations to air their views and try as much as possible to align the needs of the employees to that of the organization, management of the focus organizations should create an atmosphere of feeling of belonging by allowing the employees to participate in decision making on matters that relate to them.

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