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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 6, Issue 5, 2018, Page No: 57-63

The Contribution of HR to Knowledgement - A Perspective Study

Dr. H. Rameshbabu, Ph.D*

Assistant Professor in Management, Jothi 's College, Vellore.

Citation : H. Rameshbabu, The Contribution of HR to Knowledgement - A Perspective Study International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2018 , 6(5) : 57-63.


Knowledge management is concerned with storing and sharing the wisdom, understanding and expertise accumulated in an organization about its processes, techniques and operations. It treats knowledge as a key resource. As Ulrich (1998) comments, 'Knowledge has become a direct competitive advantage for companies selling ideas and relationships.' There is nothing new about knowledge management. Hansen et al (1999) remark that 'For hundreds of years, owners of family businesses have passed on their commercial wisdom to children, master craftsmen have painstakingly taught their trades to apprentices, and workers have exchanged ideas and know-how on the job.' But they also remark that, 'As the foundation of industrialized economies has shifted from natural resources to intellectual assets, executives have been compelled to examine the knowledge underlying their business and how that knowledge is used.'

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