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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 6, Issue 11, 2018, Page No: 88-103

Democratic Firms and Socialism

Bruno Jossa


Citation : Bruno Jossa, Democratic Firms and Socialism International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2018 , 6(11) : 88-103


Analysing the relations between economic and political democracy, the author claims that provided a system of democratic firms is organised in line with the criterion of the strict separation of labour incomes from capital incomes, it reversers the relation between capital and labour and gives rise to a genuine socialist system stripping capitalists of (the greater part of) their power.

By disempowering capital, he argues, economic democracy magnifies political democracy and sheds light on the contradictoriness of bourgeois policies, that is to say on the fact that the opposition of this class to economic democracy is actually at odds with its very principles.

Further on, he tries to establish if planning and markets are reconcilable in manners that would harmoniously knit together economic and political action and bridge the gap between economics and politics typifying liberalist societies.

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