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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 5, Issue 6, 2017, Page No: 56-62

Development of CLOSER Model in Applying SLIM Teaching Material during Teachers' Training

Eka Dewi Nuraeni,Soewarto Hardhienata,Rita Retnowati

Post Graduate Program, Universitas Pakuan Bogor, Indonesia

Citation :Eka Dewi Nuraeni,Soewarto Hardhienata,Rita Retnowati, Development of CLOSER Model in Applying SLIM Teaching Material during Teachers' Training International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2017,5(6) : 56-62


The objectives of this research are: 1) to develop CLOSER model training (Cluster Learning, On the job learning, Sharing Experience); 2) develop SLIM teaching materials (Self Learning Instrument and Material); 3) using CLOSER training model with SLIM teaching materials in teacher training at private Islamic Junior High School in Karawang, Indonesia to improve reaction, learning, behavior change and impact levels.
The limited pilot phase is given to 14 teachers and evaluated at the reaction, learning and behavior change level; and expert judgment. The operational stage was expanded to 33 participants from nine Islamic schools in Karawang and evaluated at the reaction, learning, behavior change and impact level and expert judgment.
The results showed that CLOSER training with SLIM teaching materials resulted in reaction level in the form of the value of satisfaction, effectiveness, high relevance. At the level of learning, there is a significant increase in knowledge as well as the achievement of targeted competencies. At the levels of behavior change, 100% of participants are making action plans, applying training results, disseminating them, identifying and resolving obstacles, identifying support factors, and willing to attend other training at own cost. At the outcome level, 85% of participants experienced significant changes with the impact on teachers as indicated by improved teaching and motivation skills

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