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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 5, Issue 5, 2017, Page No: 35-51

Cheating: Reneging, Corrupting and Looting

Jan-Erik Lane

Fellow at the Public Policy Institute, Belgrade

Citation :Jan-Erik Lane, Cheating: Reneging, Corrupting and Looting International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2017,5(5) : 35-51


The study of globalisation covers a most important but little known element, namely criminal activity. One asks: Do countries differ in the extent of crimes? Have global crimes increased recently? It is difficult to find data that are relevant to the global analysis of criminal behavior, which is why one often relies upon surveys, either to a group of so-called experts, or to firms and third sector organisations. There are now a few such surveys available, but their accuracy could be better. What typ of crime is mapped? Are crimes enforced or not in the country, to what extent? The study of corruption is severely hampered by conceptual difficulties in addition, as the word is ambiguous or has multiple senses. It is believed that corruption is especially sever in emerging economies or developing countries, but big corruption is certainly to be found in advanced economies, as the recent financial crisis indicated

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