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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Page No: 42-53

Greener Campus Awareness among International Students for a better Sustainable Campus Culture

Shankar Chelliah1,Bilal M.A Atteyat2,Lee Ming Huoy3

Post Graduate Program, Universitas Pakuan Bogor, Indonesia

Citation :Shankar Chelliah,Bilal M.A Atteyat,Lee Ming Huoy, Greener Campus Awareness among International Students for a better Sustainable Campus Culture International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2017,5(4) : 42-53


The objective of this study the green awareness among international within Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) campus. Green awareness within each individual are important. Especially for university students, after graduate from university each student will entering to different companies or cooperates. The awareness of green practice of students help to influences on companies and cooperates to increase green practices and reduce carbon-footprint, especially when time past students might end-up take the role as manager or director, which able lead and bring in decision regarding to green practices. This is important not only for companies to create competitive advantages and company's reputation, but is a contribution for the planet. Without proactive green practices; pollution and wastes will be pushing our planet towards danger. Companies and cooperates able to bring development and profit to the country but result harm and massive pollution to the planet. Taking a chance in company practice towards green practice is the only chance to reduce the pollution to planet. Green awareness within students and public are relatively important, everyone person having the awareness able to help world, protecting and sustaining world resource is no a responsible for particular person, but is the responsible for each individual that living in the one and only planet earth.

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