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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Page No: 35-41

The Relationship between,Transformational Leadership, Organizational Culture and Interpersonal Communication to Teachers' Performance

Siti Chodidjah1,Billy Tunas2,Rita Retnowati3

Post Graduate Program, Universitas Pakuan Bogor, Indonesia

Citation :Siti Chodidjah,Billy Tunas,Rita Retnowati, The Relationship between, Transformational Leadership,Organizational Culture and Interpersonal Communication to Teachers' Performance International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2017,5(4) : 35-41


The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between the independent variables of Transformational Leadership, Organizational Culture and Interpersonal Communication to the dependent variable of Performance either individually or simultaneously. The research was conducted on proportional randomly selected 285 public servant teachers of Junior High schools in Jambi Province, Indonesia. Using mix method, sequential explanatory design is applied where quantitative come first. The study both quantitatively and qualitatively reveals that there is a positive significant relationship among variables under the following distribution of coefficient of correlation: Transformational Leadership to teachers' performance=0.408,Organizational Culture to teachers' performance=0.429,Interpersonal Communication to teachers' performance = 0,377 and when tested together it produces coefficient of determination = 0.312 indicating the existence of other 68.8 % variables not including in the model affecting teachers' performance within the state Junior High school teachers' working environment.

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