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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Page No: 108-118

The Role of the Global Marketer in Market Segmentation,Product Design Decisions and Global Brands Success

Dr.Remy Nyukorong

Management Partners (GH), Wa, UWR, Ghana

Citation :Dr.Remy Nyukorong, The Role of the Global Marketer in Market Segmentation,Product Design Decisions and Global Brands Success International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2017,5(4) : 108-118


This conceptual paper discusses the role of the global marketer in the segmentation process, positioning, product design decisions and the promotion of global brand success. The first part of the paper looks at the importance of creativity in the segmentation process. We emphasized that the segmentation process may look simple and straightforward, but in reality it demands a lot of experience and creativity. The second part examines the concept of global positioning as a critical success factor of a brand. We noted that a down-toearth positioning strategy can facilitate the components of the marketing plan to be reliable and supportive. In the third part, we identified and discussed product design criteria. Finally, the fourth part focused on brands that have the potential to develop cohesive and enduring relationship with customers across multiple nations and cultures. Thus, through literature search, we identified a list of ten best global brands in today's marketplace, followed by a brief discussion on the reasons of their brand power. To succeed and remain competitive, companies must be more creative, customer-centric and comprehensive.

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