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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Page No: 83-92

Cash Management Practice and Medium Scale Enterprises performance: Perspective of Selected Food and Beverages Firm in Oyo state Nigeria

Oladejo M.O1,Akande O.O2,YinusOluwaseun3

Department of Management and Accounting, Faculty of Management Sciences LadokeAkintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria

Citation :Oladejo M.O,Akande O.O,YinusOluwaseun, Cash Management Practice and Medium Scale Enterprises performance: Perspective of Selected Food and Beverages Firm in Oyo state Nigeria International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2017,5(4) : 83-92


This study examined empirically the impact of cash management on the performance of SMEs food and Beveragemanufacturing firms in Oyo state. Primary data were employed in this study. Structured questionnaire was employed in the course of gathering relevant data for the study and administered purposively on Fifty (50) personnel of Ten (10 )SMEs food and Beveragemanufacturing firms in Oyo state selected through a random sampling technique. Out of the fifty questionnaire administered only forty were filled-in, returned and useful for the purpose of the study. Descriptive analysis was adopted in analyzing the data and the formulated Hypothesis were tested through the use of chi-square Analysis.Findings revealed that Firms possess or hold cash for transactional precaution and speculative purpose, meeting the day to day bills as they fall due,provision of fund for emergency obligation and ensuring opportunities in futuristic dealings form parts of responsibilities of general managers which require skillful management capabilities, Therefore, effective cash management significantly influence performance of Foods and Beverage Manufacturing SMEs. Also the result of tested hypothesis (X2 cal-19.8>X2 tab-0.352) revealed that Cash management had significant influence on the performance of Food and Beverages manufacturing SMEs. Base on the findings it was recommended that Surplus cash should be put in short term investment (e.g. fixed deposit) that are highly liquid and of low risk. This will enable maintenance of minimum cost as cash balance is optimally controlled. Medium Scale Food and Beverages Manufacturing Firm should embrace cash budget System for cash planning.

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