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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Page No: 78-82

Can Employee Training and Development Increase Organizational Resilience Against Economic Crises?

Prof. Dr.Saima Tabassum Siddiqui

Assistant Professor (Business Administration) University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan

Citation :Prof. Dr.Saima Tabassum Siddiqui, Can Employee Training and Development Increase Organizational Resilience Against Economic Crises? International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2017,5(4) : 78-82


Training is valuable for both organization and its employee. Training directly contributes in learning and individual capacity of an employee is enhanced. The trained employee produces better outcomes and thus the organization flourishes and produces more profits. Similarly, the trained employees also perform better in the crises situation and support the organization to reach and adjust for sudden changes responding effectively organizational. This paper examines the relationship of employee training and development as responsibility of human resource management and its contribution in the organizational resilience. Author's analysis suggests that the training and development of employees is vital for building resilient organization.

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