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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Page No: 66-77

Trainee's Life and Sense of Work: The Labor and its Representations

Carlos Cesar Ronchi1,Natalia Queiroz da Silva Moura2,Nehemias Pinto Bandeira3,Ricardo Daher Oliveira4,Jose Samuel de Miranda Melo Junior5

Revista de Administracao de Empresas Sao Paulo,Brazil

Citation :Carlos Cesar Ronchi,, Trainee's Life and Sense of Work: The Labor and its Representations International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2017,5(4) : 66-77


This research presents a construct about the sense of work aiming to expand knowledge on the phenomenon. It predisposes to present the facets on the relation between the sense of work and society in the liquid contemporary world. In this article, it is intended demonstrating several sides of work, emphasizing the pleasure and suffering, which can be seen as factors that influence the feelings. In this context, it is aimed demonstrating the main causes that can affect the health and quality of life at work. This article also aims to identify which sense the trainees attribute to their work, from conceptions about the phenomenon studied, and has as problematic the following questioning: how the trainees' lack of commitment causes impact in the sense of work? In order to complement the compression of the phenomenon studied, a research has been carried out with trainees from Companhia de Saneamento Ambiental do Maranhao - CAEMA, having as basis a questionnaire, in which several dimensions on the sense of work are involved. The research evinces with greater predominance, that the sense, that the investigated people find in the performed work is related to the learning requirements, evolution, and knowledge construction.

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