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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Page No: 26-34

The Challenges Facing Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Participating in Trade Fair: A Case of Dar es Salaam International Trade Fair (DITF) in Tanzania

Abdullah Ummulkulthoum,Yin Jianhua

1.PhD Scholar, Business School, University of International Business & Economics (UIBE), Beijing China.
2.Professor Business School, University of International Business & Economics (UIBE), Beijing China.

Citation :Abdullah Ummulkulthoum,Yin Jianhua, The Challenges Facing Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Participating in Trade Fair: A Case of Dar es Salaam International Trade Fair (DITF) in Tanzania International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2017,5(12) : 26-34


Trade fair is a most powerful media and important part of the marketing mix. Which enable companies to test their products and at the same time market them appropriately. Previous years it seem that large companies participate in trade fair. However, nowadays many SMEs also want to participate in trade fair although there are some challenges hinder them in participating trade fair effectively. The objective of this paper is to investigate on the challenges facing SMEs in participating in trade fair. Specifically, the study examined the benefits of participating in trade fair by SMEs, analysed the level of participation of SMEs during the trade fair and investigated on major challenges which hinder effective participation of SMEs in trade fair. The study was approached using multiple embedded case study design where six cases which have been participating in trade fairs were involved. Data and information were collected and analysed using qualitative methods. Findings of the study show that participating firms in trade fair benefit in a number of ways. Further, the study has discovered that SMEs do not participate in trade fair adequately. This is mostly caused by inadequate funding and poor flow of information. Also, for those firms which participate in the trade fair do not attend all the events which are organized for them to promote their businesses. Finally, the findings show that SMEs mainly face number of challenges which hinder their adequate involvement in parallel events during the trade fair.

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