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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Page No: 11-19

The Impact of Advertising on Consumer Purchase Decision with Reference to Consumer Durable Goods in Oman

Amandeep1, Dr. Seema Varshney2, Syed Aulia2

1.MBA-Student, WCAS - Muscat Oman.
2.Asst. Professor, WCAS - Muscat Oman.

Citation :Amandeep,Seema Varshney,Syed Aulia,The Impact of Advertising on Consumer Purchase Decision with Reference to Consumer Durable Goods in OmanInternational Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2017,5(12) : 11-19.


In globalized world, advertising has a huge and important role in promoting the products and the services. With the rapid development in technology and influence of media advertising has become an inevitable part of promotion mix. Through advertisement both electronic and print more audience can be reached and can have more impact on them, advertisements can be used to inform the new audiences, persuade them to buy the product and it can have huge influence on consumer decision making, advertisement can also be used as reminder to the existing customer about their connectivity to their products and have long lasting association with product or services and helps in brand building creating brand loyalty. People are more often are influenced by advertisement especially with reference to consumer durables and the current study investigates the impact on how different advertising strategies can influence the consumer decision regarding purchasing of consumer durables in sultanate of Oman.

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